It Helps IBD, ADHD, PMS and Other Conditions
by Edward Group
Chiropractic care corrects spinal alignment abnormalities as a means of treating a wide range of health problems. Addressing skeletal and muscular disorders and reliev-ing pain are just the beginning. Research studies reported in the Journal of Manipulative and Physiological Therapeutics and the journal of healing science Explore have found chiropractic beneficial in treating connective tissue abnormalities, infant lactose intolerance and even autism.
More than $13 billion is spent an- nually on chiropractic health services, making it the largest alternative health practice in the U.S. Science supports its usefulness in addressing a wide range of conditions.
Bell’s Palsy. Recovery varies among patients as chiropractors create patient- centric treatment programs designed to improve facial motion and hearing, relieve pain and address other nerve- related issues (Archives of Internal Medicine; Journal of Manipulative and Physiological Therapeutics).
Inflammatory Bowel Disease (IBD). A Canadian survey of chiropractors has reported success in using spinal manipulation to relieve IBD, colitis and other bowel disorders (Canadian Journal of Gastroenterology & Hepatology).
Cancer. The Journal of Comple- mentary and Alternative Medicine publishes numerous studies of thera- pies supporting cancer patients suf- fering the side effects of conventional treatment. The American Journal of Clinical Oncology reports that chiro- practic care rates as one of the leading alternative medical treatments for pain management, among other related bene ts. Chiropractic offers economi- cal and effective strategies that may help quality of life, as discussed in Seminars in Oncology Nursing.
High Blood Pressure. While many relevant studies can’t yet generalize results, the Journal of Manipulative and Physiological Therapeutics docu- ments success by chiropractors treating hypertension without the downside of medical drugs that can include the risk of stroke (University of Alabama at Birmingham).
Chronic Sinusitis. Patients with nasal and sinus passages that don’t drain properly due to physical or nerve- related causes may nd relief through chiropractic care. A study cited in the same journal showed that patients ex- perienced relief of all related symptoms after a single adjustment.
Arthritis. A study published in a journal from the the University of Virginia School of Medicine Center for the Study of Complementary and Alternative Therapies notes that arthritis patients obtaining chiropractic care enjoyed better health and quality of life than those that did not.
Premenstrual Syndrome (PMS). In clinical studies, combining manual spinal adjustment with soft tissue therapy has been found to relieve PMS discomfort. In one study, two groups of women were tested, switching off in receiving chiropractic adjustments or a placebo alternative. Each time, the group receiving chiropractic adjust- ments reported the greatest improve- ments (Journal of Manipulative and Physiological Therapeutics).
Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder (ADHD). A study published in Explore suggests that chiropractic care combined with other holistic ele- ments such as appropriate nutrition may provide a more gentle, yet effective ap- proach than conventional psychotropic drugs. It employed chiropractic treat- ment for boys 9 to 13 years old diag- nosed with ADHD. Spinal manipulation with nutritional supplementation was reported to improve hyperactivity, int tentiveness, impulsiveness and behav- ioral, social and emotional dif culties.
Headaches. Based on recent stud- ies, spinal manipulation has proven effective against migraines and head- aches originating from the neck. Man- ual therapy of the spine, along with neck exercises, promotes improvement in patients with neck-related head- aches. Side effects are rare and minor (Journal of Manipulative and Physi- ological Therapeutics).
Dr. Edward Group is CEO and co-found- er of the Global Healing Center, in Hous- ton, TX ( He is a doctor of chiropractic trained in naturopathy, herbals and clinical nutri- tion; author of The Green Body Cleanse; and a diplomate of the American Board of Functional Medicine.