by Sheila Julson
Many people might not fully understand what a chiropractor does, or they believe chiropractic is just for back and neck pain; however, the physicians at Canton Center Chiropractic Clinic are out to change that.
“Chiropractic is a natural alternative health system that uses no drugs or surgery. Instead, chiropractic uses the body’s inherent ability to heal itself by removing nervous interference and incorporating nutrition, exercise and lifestyle changes,” says Dr. Robert E. Potter, chiropractor, owner and director of the clinic since 1989.
Canton Center Chiropractic Clinic specializes in health and wellness through chiropractic and nutrition with ancillary services that include massage, re exology, energy balancing, thermography, educational workshops and exercise classes.
Potter ful lled a lifelong dream of being a doctor after earning a Bachelor of Science degree from the University of Michigan and began his career as a medical technologist at the University of Michigan Medical Center. Following a personal health issue in which a chiropractor helped nd the cause of the problem, he pursued a Doctorate of Chiropractic degree from the National College of Chiropractic (now National University of Health Sciences) in Lombard, Illinois, graduating in 1986. He has undertaken postgraduate studies in clinical nutrition and is a certi ed traditional naturopath.
Under Potter’s direction, the clinic has expanded to include four associates and ancillary services. Dr. Danielle Potter-Bodenlos (Dr. “D”) graduated from Michigan State University with a Bachelor of Science degree in nutritional science and earned a Doctor of Chiropractic degree from the National University of Health Sciences. In her practice, Potter-Bodenlos has worked successfully with learning disability cases, has been certi ed in kinesio taping and continues Canton Center Chiropractic Clinic’s longstanding individual nutritional approach to health and wellness.

Dr. Sean Gregory graduated from Western Michigan University with a Bachelor of Science degree in interdisciplinary health services and earned a Doctor of Chiropractic degree from the National University of Health Sciences. Gregory is a strong fitness advocate and has taken extensive postgraduate courses in physical rehabilitation and sports medicine. Dr. Nicole Brady graduated from Adrian College with a Bachelor of Arts degree in exercise science and earned a Doctor of Chiropractic degree from the National University of Health Sciences. Brady has a special interest in working with athletes, women and children. She is certified in the Webster Technique for prenatal care and is a member of the International Chiropractic Pediatric Association.
Rounding out the team of chiropractic physicians is Dr. Angela Lawrence, who studied at Eastern Michigan University and obtained her Bachelor of Science degree and Doctor of Chiropractic degree from Cleveland College, in Los Angeles. Lawrence uses a whole person approach, combining skilled hands-on techniques with multiple physical, structural and muscularpractices.
Canton Center Chiropractic Clinic is located at 6231 N. Canton Center Rd., Ste. 109, in Canton. For more information, call 734-455-6767 or visit
Sheila Julson is a contributing writer to Natural Awakenings magazines throughout the country.